By ADMIN / Oct 29, 2022

blog has been garnering accolade after accolade ever since its first drop of playable cricket NFTs, and having sold 55,000 NFTs in less than 10 minutes and in releasing the world’s first-ever P2E cricket game, the Meta Cricket League! Today, yet another feather gets added to the cap of….

While Elon Musk taking over Twitter might not have any implications, Twitter recently launched the NFT Tweet Tiles feature on its interface. Tweet Tiles have been tested for different types of content. It basically provides a richer and more interactive and informative experience for the users. The NFT Tweet Tiles will display additional information such as the creator of the NFT, whenever you put a link to an NFT on Twitter. This feature has been opened at a pilot level only for a few select and elite marketplaces.

With this feature, you can even trade your NFTs directly on Twitter. This move also enhances the discoverability of NFTs and the associated marketplaces!

And… is one of the marketplaces to be short-listed by Twitter to pilot NFT Tweet Tiles! In fact, it is the only NFT marketplace from Asia to be awarded this coveted distinction. This is one of the best endorsements that can get. A word of thanks goes out to our awesome community for keeping up the support and enthusiasm they have had for and for Meta Cricket League.

We would like to let you all know that this fitting recognition received by is just the start of many incredible things. We would like to once again acknowledge the participation and feedback of our community for our marketplace, and for the game.

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